1920, January 3: Superintendent Weakley, BOI, Cincinnati, OH, re "Bolshevik Movement in Americaa - Eva Zlotchevr traveling under the name of Eva Adams"

1920:01:03 WEAKLEY 2 BURKe p1  bjf.jpg 1920:01:03 WEAKLEY 2 BURKE p2 bjf enc. YOUNG.jpg

Art Young to Eve Adams, 1920, December 30.

Last edit: March 24, 2023, 7:41 PM ET

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Calvin S. Weakley,
Division Superintendent,
Department of Justice,
Bureau of Investigation,
Cincinnati, OH,
to Frank Burke, Esq.,
Chief, Bureau of Investigation,
Washington, D.C.
“Personal and Confidential. Bolshevik Movement in America – Eva Zlotchevr – Traveling under the name of Eve Adams.” 

Weakley memo to BOI. He notes that "Eva" received a paper from "Sons of Italy." What was that?

Topic for discussion: "short heavy set, dark"
The agent describes Eve: “that woman is short heavy set, dark complected and had red hair." What is implied?

Art Young to Eve
“Referring to my report of December 28th 1919, and January 2nd, 1920, under the above style name ["Bolshevik Movement in America," etc.] I made reference to letter mailed at New York to Eva Adams, Cincinnati. I have reason to believe that the enclosed will give full information as to this communication.” See next document: Art Young to Eve, Dec. 30, 1919, page 2 of Weakley's memo.

Research: Art Young
Art Young was an artist associated with the leftist journal Good Morning. See: https://www.marxists.org/subject/art/cartoons-drawings/young/Art-Young-Life-and-Times_Inet-Arc.pdf 
What more can be discovered that might be relevant to Eve and Art Young?

Research: Calvin S. Weakley
What more relevant to the politics and beliefs of Calvin S. Weakley, Division Superintendent, Department of Justice, Bureau of Investigation, Cincinnati, OH, that might be relevant to Eve and her politics?

Documents discovered by Brian Joseph Ferree on Fold3.