OutHistory Fellowships, Internships, and Opportunities

Part-Time Job Opportunity: OutHistory Social Media Coordinator – December 2024

            OutHistory, the U.S.-based LGBTQ history website, is hiring a part-time social media coordinator to manage its regular postings on Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms. This is a limited-hours position for a U.S. resident; the person hired will be be paid $600 every three months. Working with OutHistory’s director, the coordinator will be expected to draw on OutHistory’s existing exhibits and other OutHistory features to develop social media strategies and produce/post a minimum of ten items per month. Posts will announce new and updated OutHistory exhibits; mark important birthdays and anniversaries; encourage users to visit OutHistory exhibits that relate to heritage months, national holidays, and breaking news; and otherwise call attention to the breadth and diversity of OutHistory’s exhibits.

            To apply, please submit a 250-500 word letter of application and a vita/resume to outhistory@gmail.com. The letter should highlight your main qualifications, relevant work experiences, connections to OutHistory, social media and/or graphic design skills, and interests in LGBTQ history. The deadline to apply is February 15, 2025. We expect the person selected to begin work on April 1, 2025.


OutHistory Fellowship Program – September 2024

            The OutHistory Fellowship Program (OFP), which launched in 2023, is designed to support the presentation of high-quality LGBTQ+ historical exhibits on the OutHistory website (https://outhistory.org/). In 2025, the OFP will provide four US$1600 fellowships for projects on under-represented topics in North American LGBTQ history. Under-represented subjects include African Americans, Asian Americans, bisexuals, immigrants and refugees, incarcerated people, Latine people, lesbians, Muslims, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, people with disabilities, trans people, and pre-20th century history. For examples of current OutHistory exhibits, see https://outhistory.org/featured.

            To apply, please submit a 500 word project proposal and a vita/resume to outhistory@gmail.com. The proposal should describe the project, identify the under-represented topic(s), identify major project expenses and sources of funding (if any), provide a project workplan/timeline, and identify the types and/or an inventory of objects, materials, artifacts, images, and/or scans that will be included. Final projects are expected to include 1000-5000 words of text and a set of 10-50 objects, materials, artifacts, images, and/or scans. The deadline to apply is 1 January 2025. Results will be announced by 1 March 2025.

            OutHistory Fellows will be expected to work with OutHistory’s director and advisory board members to develop their project, submit a complete draft by 1 July 2025, and submit a final version by 1 September 2025. Publication is expected by 1 March 2026. Each fellow will receive a $1600 honorarium on publication of their project on OutHistory.

            For more information, contact OutHistory director Marc Stein at outhistory@gmail.com.

OutHistory Public History Internships and Student Projects 

            OutHistory, the LGBTQ website founded by Jonathan Ned Katz, is interested in partnering with college and university faculty, especially those affiliated with public history and LGBTQ studies programs or classes, to support student internships and student projects. We envision (1) working with faculty and students to design, produce, and publish high-quality LGBTQ public history exhibits for OutHistory, and (2) working with faculty and students to maintain, upgrade, and improve the accessibility of existing OutHistory website features and exhibits. These can be individual student projects or collaborative class projects. While we do not have funding for paid internships, we anticipate that some faculty will be able to provide student interns with course credits, credit for class assignments, and financial stipends. For more information, contact OutHistory director Marc Stein at outhistory@gmail.com.

2025 OutHistory Fellowships

            OutHistory is pleased to announce the winners of our 2025 fellowship competition. The OutHistory Fellowship Program is designed to support the presentation of high-quality LGBTQ+ historical exhibits on the OutHistory website (https://outhistory.org/). In 2025, OutHistory is awarding six US$1600 fellowships for projects on under-represented topics in North American LGBTQ history. The 2025 OutHistory Fellowship Awards Committee included Juan Carlos Mezo González (York University), Anne Valk (City University of New York Graduate Center), and Marc Stein (San Francisco State University). The 2026 fellowship competition will be announced in Fall 2025. For more information, contact OutHistory director Marc Stein at outhistory@gmail.com.


            The 2025 Fellows are:


Elizabeth A. Allen, independent historian, Colchester, VT, USA, for “The Four Social Transitions of Rollin Kedzie Morgan (1881-1966)”


Laura Brightwell, Research Associate, Centre for Feminist Research, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada, for “Gendertroublemaker: The Work and Legacy of Canadian Artist Mirha-Soleil Ross”


Sam Brooks, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, for “Transmasculine Erasure: Reframing LGBTQ+ History and Anti-Violence Activism”


Jacqueline Cho, M.A. candidate in the Department of History, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, for “Queer, Asian, Everywhere: An Overview of the Transnational Activism of the Gay Asians of Toronto”


Annabelle Heckler, M.A. candidate, City University of New York Graduate Center, New York, NY, USA, for “Red Scare/Lavender Song: Moranda Smith and Civil Rights Unionism, 1943-1950”


Hannah Leffingwell, Associate Faculty, Brooklyn Institute for Social Research, Brooklyn, NY, USA, for “The Lesbian Switchboard of New York City”

2024 OutHistory Fellowships

            OutHistory is pleased to announce the winners of our 2024 fellowship competition. The OutHistory Fellowship Program is designed to support the presentation of high-quality LGBTQ+ historical exhibits on the OutHistory website (https://outhistory.org/). In 2024, OutHistory is awarding six US$1500 fellowships for projects on under-represented topics in North American LGBTQ history. The 2024 OutHistory Fellowship Awards Committee included Emily Hobson (University of Nevada, Reno), La Shonda Mims (University of Birmingham), and Marc Stein (San Francisco State University). The 2025 fellowship competition will be announced in Fall 2024. For more information, contact OutHistory director Marc Stein at outhistory@gmail.com.

            The 2024 Fellows are:


Brian T. Blackmore, Director of Quaker Engagement at the American Friends Service Committee, Philadelphia, PA, USA, for “Quaker Action for Gay Rights: The Early Quaker Push for Gay Liberation, 1946-1973”


Tyler Carson, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, for “Queer Conflicts about Age of Consent Laws, 1978-1994”


Corey D. Clawson, Ph.D. candidate in the American Studies Program, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, USA, for “Writing Utopia: Imagining Just New Worlds Through Queer Ethnoracial Literary Anthologies”


Ryan Conrad, Adjunct Research Faculty, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada, for “Saint Danny: Toronto’s Patron Saint of Hustlers and Rent Boys”


Bob Lederer: Co-producer, Out-FM on WBAI/Pacifica Radio, New York City, NY, USA, for “The Black Panther Party, Queers, and the Gay Liberation Movement”


David K. Seitz, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities, Social Science, and the Arts, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, USA, for “‘Enough is Enough’: The Politics, Passion, and Poetry of Pei-Hsien Lim (1953-1992)”