1926, November 24: Record of Hearing in the Case of Chawa (Eve) Zlotchever

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"Record of Hearing in the Case of Chawa (Eve) Zlochever Alias Eve Adams or Evelyn Adams."


First hearing: November 24, 1926, original numbering pages 1-2; Katz's section # 7, pages 11-12. 

Second hearing: November 30, 1926, original numbering pages 3-10; Katz's section # 7, pages 13-20.

Third hearing: February 10, 1927, original numbering pages 11-19; Katz's section # 7, pages 21-29.

Summary by Thomas J. Conry, April 11, 1927, original numbering pages 20-21; Katz's section # 7, pages 30-31.

Also see separately paginated fourth hearing dated May 23, 1927.

Deportation File, original document numbering pages 1-21; Katz's section # 7, pages 11-31 of whole file.