Bibliography, Chronology, Inventory, 1972
LGBT Direct Action Bibliography, Chronology, and Inventory, 1965-74 – Marc Stein – October 2023
B = businesses
E = electoral politics, including politicians, public officials, and political parties
G = gay-ins and other LGBT gatherings
I = military, militarism, war
J = jails and prisons
M = media (newspapers, magazines, film, radio, television), arts, and culture
N = national, state, and local government policies and buildings, including courts
O = police
P = pride events, marches, parades, and protests
Q = LGBT targets, including organizations and businesses
R = religion, religious institutions, and religious policies
S = science, medicine, psychology, and psychiatry
U = universities, colleges, schools, and educational institutions
X = miscellaneous
5 January 1972: GAA-DC demonstration against police harassment at US Marine Corps Iwo Jima Memorial in Arlington, Virginia (25 participants, 6 arrests). Primary sources: Jay Mathews, “6 Arrested in Protest at Monument,” Washington Post, 6 Jan. 1972, D2; Carole Smith and David L. Aiken, “U.S. Drops Charges in Washington Protest,” The Advocate, 2 Feb. 1972, 3, 8; Juan de Casas, “Iwo Jima Memorial Site of Gay Arrests,” GAY, 7 Feb. 1972, 1, 3. [O] [N]
5 January 1972: GAA-NY demonstration against presidential candidate Edmund Muskie at Regency Hotel (20-30 participants, 1 arrest). Primary sources: “McCarthy, Kennedy Support Gay Rights; Muskie Renegs,” Gay Activist, Dec. 1971, 6; Guy Charles, “N.Y. Police Rough Up Muskie Rally Pickets,” The Advocate, 2 Feb. 1972, 3; Robert Raffone, “Activist Beaten at Muskie Dinner,” GAY, 7 Feb. 1972, 1; “Gay Clubbed at Muskie Rally,” Gay Activist, Feb. 1972, 5; “30 GAA Pickets Hit Muskie Silence,” The Advocate, 29 Mar. 1972, 3. [E] [B]
15 January 1972: Gay Sunshine and Gay People’s Action Committee demonstration against Society for Individual Rights at the San Francisco Hotel (35 participants). Primary sources: “Gays Zap SIR,” Gay Sunshine, Feb. 1972, 1, 2; Gay Sunshine Collective, “San Francisco Gay Liberationists,” Gay Sunshine, Feb. 1972, 1; Editorial, Gay Sunshine, Feb. 1972, 2; Zack Mansfield, “Gay Lib. Protests S.I.R. Spending,” Nuntius, Feb. 1972, 5. [B] [N] [Q]
15 January 1972: GAA-NY demonstration and sit-in against housing discrimination at Park West Village (100-200 participants). Primary sources: “New York Demonstrators Hit Apartment Ban,” The Advocate, 16 Feb. 1972, 3; “Park West Zapped: Alcoa Won’t Rap with Gays,” Gay Activist, Feb. 1972, 7. [B]
22 January 1972: Mattachine Society of the Niagara Frontier demonstration at a New York State Association of City Councils meeting in Buffalo (14 participants). Primary sources: “Gay Rights Laws Sought from Council of Cities,” The Advocate, 1 Mar. 1971, 7. [N]
25 January 1972: GAA-NY (supported by Gay People at Columbia) demonstration against and zap of Mayor Lindsay at Radio City Music Hall (265 participants). Primary sources: Martin Tolchin, “Thousands of City Employes Attend Lindsay Benefit,” New York Times, 26 Jan. 1972, 18; “Intro 475 Defeated: GAA Calls for ‘Total War’ against Lindsay,” The Advocate, 16 Feb. 1972, 1, 10; Guy Charles, “3 Lindsay Zaps Bring 15 Arrests,” The Advocate, 16 Feb. 1972, 1, 11; “Lindsay Speech Disrupted by Activists,” GAY, 21 Feb. 1972, 1, 18; John Francis Hunter, “The Gay Insider,” GAY, 21 Feb. 1972, 10; Guy Charles, “Not His Fault, Lindsay Tells Advocate,” The Advocate, 1 Mar. 1972, 1, 9; Arthur Bell,“Gays in Chains,” Gay Activist, Mar. 1972, 5, 7, 8, 20; Ernest Peter Cohen, “475: A Gay Odyssey,” Gay Activist, Mar. 1972, 3, 8, 10, 21, 22. [E] [M]
24-25 January 1972: GAA-NY demonstrations at City Hall (7 participants, 7 arrests). Primary sources: “Lindsay Speech Disrupted by Activists,” GAY, 7 or 21 Feb. 1972, 1, 18; John Francis Hunter, “The Gay Insider,” GAY, 7 Feb. 1972, 10; “Intro 475 Defeated: GAA Calls for ‘Total War’ against Lindsay,” The Advocate, 16 Feb. 1972, 1, 10; Guy Charles, “3 Lindsay Zaps Bring 15 Arrests,” The Advocate, 16 Feb. 1972, 1, 11; Guy Charles, “Not His Fault, Lindsay Tells Advocate,” The Advocate, 1 Mar. 1972, 1, 9; “Protestors Face Trials for Lindsay Zaps,” GAY, 6 Mar. 1972, 16; Arthur Bell,“Gays in Chains,” Gay Activist, Mar. 1972, 5, 7, 8, 20; Vicki Richman, “Then There Was Lindsay 8’s Day in Court,” The Advocate, 26 Apr. 1972, 6. [E] [E] [N] [N]
25-26 January 1972: GAA-NY sit-in at Lindsay presidential campaign headquarters (8 participants, 8 arrests). Primary sources: “Lindsay Speech Disrupted by Activists,” GAY, 7 or 21 Feb. 1972, 1, 18; John Francis Hunter, “The Gay Insider,” GAY, 7 Feb. 1972, 10; “Intro 475 Defeated: GAA Calls for ‘Total War’ against Lindsay,” The Advocate, 16 Feb. 1972, 1, 10; Guy Charles, “3 Lindsay Zaps Bring 15 Arrests,” The Advocate, 16 Feb. 1972, 1, 11; Guy Charles, “Not His Fault, Lindsay Tells Advocate,” The Advocate, 1 Mar. 1972, 1, 9; “Protestors Face Trials for Lindsay Zaps,” GAY, 6 Mar. 1972, 16; Arthur Bell,“Gays in Chains,” Gay Activist, Mar. 1972, 5, 7, 8, 20; Vicki Richman, “Then There Was Lindsay 8’s Day in Court,” The Advocate, 26 Apr. 1972, 6; “Lindsay Eight Win Acquittal,” Mattachine Times, Apr. 1972, 14. [E] [E]
29 January 1972: Detroit Gay Activists demonstration at Hudson Co. (25 participants). Primary sources: “Store Guards in Detroit Attack Gay Demonstrators,” The Advocate, 1 Mar. 1972, 11; “Sometimes We Need to Be Reminded: Zapping Hudson’s,” Gay Liberator, Mar. 1972, 1; “Glimpses of a Year Gone By,” Gay Liberator, Jan. 1973, 10. [B]
29 January 1972: LGBT protest at California prison conference at the University of California, Berkeley. Primary sources: Don Jackson, “Gays Walk out of Prison Meet; Doctors Go On to Tell of Abuses,” The Advocate, 1 Mar. 1972, 2, 10 [J] [U]
4 February 1972: Gay Political Activists and University of Minnesota Women’s Liberation demonstration at Poodle Bar in Minneapolis (100 participants). Primary sources: Berta Kurpierz, “Protest Continues at Poodle Bar,” Gold Flower, Feb. 1972, 6, 8; “Gays Freeze Hot Trade,” Gay-Vue, Feb. 1972, 2. [B]
16-17 February 1972: Gay Awareness class sit-ins at Pizza Hut in Fullerton, California. Primary sources: “Pizza Patrons Protest Padlocking,” The Advocate, 15 Mar. 1972, 18. [B] [B] [U] [U]
23 February 1972: GAA-SF, Gay Sunshine, and Gay Rap participation in Medical Committee for Human Rights demonstration against aversion therapy, castration, and lobotomy at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco (15-50 participants). Primary sources: “S.F. Demonstrators Hit Surgical, Drug ‘Cures,’” The Advocate, 29 Mar. 1972, 17. [S] [U]
8 March 1972: LGBT march against police violence from SF Civic Center Plaza to Federal Building (50 participants). Primary sources: “San Francisco Rites Honor Gays Killed by Vice Cops,” The Advocate, 29 Mar. 1972, 3, 17. [N] [O]
8 March 1972: GAA-Philadelphia and Homophile Action League demonstration against Republican State Committee fundraising event at the Academy of Music (100 participants). Primary sources: Greg Lee, “Gay Power Comes Out in Phila,” The Drummer, 9 Mar. 1972, 5; “Philadelphia Gays Picket GOP Dinner,” The Advocate, 12 Apr. 1972, 19. [E] [M]
10 March 1972: LGBT demonstration at Rollaway Rink in Lynnwood, Washington (20 participants). Primary sources: “Hand-Holding Pair Gets Pair Busted at Roller Rink” The Advocate, 10 May 1972, 10; “Gee Whiz, Charges Dropped,” The Advocate, 2 Aug. 1972, 4. [B]
24 March 1972: San Francisco Radical Gay Caucus demonstration at the California State Medical Facility in Vacaville (30 participants). Primary sources: “Prison Demo,” Gay Sunshine, June 1972, 2; Don Jackson, “Gay Death at Vacaville,” Gay Activist, Oct. 1972, 8-9. [J] [S]
30 March 1972: GAA-SF sit-in at California State Medical Facility in Vacaville (1 participant). Primary sources: “Sit-In Staged at Vacaville,” The Advocate, 26 Apr. 1972, 6. [J] [S]
6 April 1972: GAA-Philadelphia zaps of speeches by presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey. Primary sources: Greg Lee, “A Gay Evaluation,” Drummer, 20 Apr. 1972, 1, 6. [E]
9 April 1972: Demonstration against anti-LGBT bias at New York Daily News (200-250 participants; 4 arrests). Primary sources: “4 Arrested in Zap at N.Y. Daily News,” The Advocate, 10 May 1972, 2; Guy Charles, “Bloody Fracas in N.Y.: Gays Savagely Beaten, Attackers Not Arrested,” The Advocate, 10 May 1972, 1, 8; Phil Katz, “The Inner Circle Affair,” Gay Activist, May 1972, 3, 4, 6, 13, 16; “Gays Picket Editorial Bigots,” Gay Liberator, May 1972, 5; “Hauppage 3 Guilty,” New York Mattachine Times, June 1972, 14; “The Daily News Blues,” Echo of Sappho, June 1972, 7; “4 Convicted of Trespassing in N.Y. Daily News Protest,” The Advocate, 5 July 1972, 3, 7; Vicki Richman, “‘Justice!’ ‘Justice!’” GAY, 10 July 1972, 1, 18. [M]
10 April 1972: Gay Community Alliance and Lavender People demonstration at the Academy Awards in Los Angeles (40 participants). Primary sources: “Academy Awards: A Gay Nay,” The Advocate, 10 May 1972, 3; William Beardemphl, letter to the editor, The Advocate, 10 May 1972, 28. [M]
7-15 April 1972: LGBT march for state law reform from New York City to Albany and demonstration at state capitol (400-1000 participants). Primary sources: “Homosexual Laws Opposed,” New York Times, 16 April 1972, 16; “The Road to Albany,” Gay Activist, Apr. 1972, 11; “Marchers Ask Rights in Albany,” The Advocate, 10 May 1972, 2, 5; Guy Charles, “March to Albany: A Lesson in Love,” The Advocate, 10 May 1972, 5; John P. LeRoy, “Albany March Starts With Times Square Kiss-Off,” GAY, 15 May 1972, 1, 19; John Leroy, “Gay Lib Meets the Homophobes,” GAY, 29 May 1972, 4; “The March to Albany,” Mattachine Times, May 1972, 8. [N] [N] [N] [N] [N] [N] [N] [N] [N]
15 April 1972: GAA-NY demonstration at the Inner Circle dinner at the Hilton Hotel (25-30 participants). Primary sources: Les Ledbetter, “Homosexuals File Assault Charges against Maye and 6 Others,” The Advocate, 19 Apr. 1972, 23; “New Assault is Reported by Gay Activist Member,” New York Times, 22 Apr. 1972, 19; Eric Pace, “Official Accuses Maye of Assault,” New York Times, 25 Apr. 1972, 11; Laurie Johnston, “Bronx Official Backs ‘Gay’ Complaint,” New York Times, 2 May 1972, 86; “Hogan’s Home Is Picketed by Homosexual Protesters,” New York Times, 5 May 1972, 22; Guy Charles, “Bloody Fracas in N.Y.: Gays Savagely Beaten, Attackers Not Arrested,” The Advocate, 10 May 1972, 1, 8; “Criminals Outside,” The Advocate, 10 May 1972, 28; Vicki Richman, “Ex-Heavyweight Boxer Attacks Gays at Hilton Dinner,” GAY, 15 May 1972, 1, 18, 19; Lacey Fosburgh, “Maye Is Held as Harasser in Gay Alliance Outbreak,” New York Times, 23 May 1972, 30; Guy Charles, “Four N.Y. Officials to Testify for Gays in Hilton Beatings,” The Advocate, 24 May 1972, 3; Joseph P. Fried, “Maye Asserts Gay Activists Intentionally Set Up Incident,” New York Times, 24 May 1972, 51; Vicki Richman, “District Attorney Slow to Act on Beatings,” GAY, 29 May 1972, 1, 16; John Leroy, “Gay Lib Meets the Homophobes,” GAY, 29 May 1972, 4; Phil Katz, “The Inner Circle Affair,” Gay Activist, May 1972, 3, 4, 6, 13, 16; “Inner Circle Case before Grand Jury,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 3; “3 in Gay Unit Seized at a Maye Hearing,” New York Times, 8 June 1972, 35; Vicki Richman, “Supreme Court Judge Hedges on Beatings,” GAY, 12 June 1972, 1, 12; “Slap on Wrist Apparently Due Mickey Maye,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 3; “Law Takes a Holiday,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 26; Lacey Fosburgh, “Maye Kicked Man, Witness Testifies,” New York Times, 24 June 1972, 36; “Hauppage 3 Guilty,” New York Mattachine Times, June 1972, 14; “May Trial Delayed by ‘New Evidence,’” The Advocate, 5 July 1972, 1, 7; “First Gay Arrested in Inner Circle Affair,” The Advocate, 5 July 1972, 7; “Maye Cleared of Harming Homosexual,” New York Times, 6 July 1972, 38; “Gay Activist Member Charges 2d Fireman with Beating Him,” New York Times, 7 July 1972, 15; “Grand Jury Clears 2d Fire Union Aide,” New York Times, 8 July 1972, 30; “Firefighter Found Not Guilty,” Chicago Daily Defender, 8 July 1972, 2; Vicki Richman, “‘Justice!’ ‘Justice!’” GAY, 10 July 1972, 1, 18; “District Attorney’s Belated Arrest Stirs Anger in N.Y. Gay Circles,” GAY, 10 July 1972, 1, 10; John LeRoy, “Michael Maye: Soap Opera in Court Continues,” GAY, 10 July 1972, 1, 10; John LeRoy, “Maye Trial Nears Completion,” GAY, 24 July 1972, 1, 18; Vicki Richman, “Maye Verdict: Was Justice Served?” GAY, 7 Aug. 1972, 1, 3, 10. [B] [M]
22 April 1972: LGBT participation in antiwar march in New York. Primary sources: Martin Arnold, “War Foes March in the Rain Here,” New York Times, 23 Apr. 1972, 1, 54. [I]
22 April 1972: Lesbian Feminists and Lavender People participation in antiwar march in Los Angeles (200 participants). Primary sources: “Anti-War March Split Looms in L.A.,” The Advocate, 12 Apr. 1972, 7; Martin Arnold, “War Foes March in the Rain Here,” New York Times, 23 Apr. 1972, 1, 54; “Most Groups to Skip L.A. Peace March,” The Advocate, 26 Apr. 1972, 12; “Lesbians Lead Gay Contingent in L.A. Peace March,” The Advocate, 24 May 1972, 6; Jeanne Cordova, “Anti War,” Lesbian Tide, May 1972, 10. [I]
23 April 1972: Gay-in on Christopher Street in support of lawsuits against Michael Maye. Primary sources: Guy Charles, “Four N.Y. Officials to Testify for Gays in Hilton Beatings,” The Advocate, 24 May 1972, 3. [X]
25 April 1972: LGBT zap of New York State Senate Majority Leader in Albany (24-25 participants; 1 arrest). Primary sources: Hal Offen, “ZAP,” Gay Activist, May-June 1972, 11; John P. Leroy, “Gay Lib Meets the Homophobes,” GAY, 29 May 1972, 4-5; “Albany Zap Results in Beatings, 1 Arrest,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 6. [E]
27-28 April 1972: Gay Male Liberation zaps of the Eastern Psychological Association conference in Boston (15 participants). Primary sources: “Gays Get No Satisfaction from Eastern Psychological Assn.,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 4; “GML Zaps Witchdoctors,” Fag Rag, Summer 1972, 5. [S] [S]
4-8 May 1972: GAA-NY demonstrations at home of district attorney (75-100 participants). Primary sources: “Hogan’s Home Is Picketed by Homosexual Protesters,” New York Times, 5 May 1972, 22; Phil Katz, “The Inner Circle Affair,” Gay Activist, May 1972, 3, 4, 6, 13, 16; “Inner Circle Case before Grand Jury,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 3. [E] [E] [E] [E] [E]
5 May 1972: Gay Pride Week rally at Lafayette Park in Washington, D.C. (50-180 participants). Primary sources: Paul Hodge, “Open Displays of Affection Asked by Gay Liberation,” Washington Post, 6 May 1972, B2; “Homosexuals’ Rally,” Los Angeles Times, 6 May 1972, A18; Dave Aiken, “Gay Pride at the White House,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 1, 23; Perrin Shaffer, “D.C. Gay Pride Week Climaxes near White House,” GAY, 12 June 1972, 1, 12; “In-fighting, Boycotts Mar Pride Week Planning,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 1, 13, 22. [P]
6 May 1972: GAA-SF demonstration at Hilton Hotel in San Francisco (15 participants). Primary sources: “Hittin’ the Hilton,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 6. [B]
7 May 1972: Gay-In at Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C. Primary sources: Dave Aiken, “Gay Pride at the White House,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 1, 23; “In-fighting, Boycotts Mar Pride Week Planning,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 1, 13, 22. [G]
11-12 May 1972: Gay protests (dancing, kissing, hand-holding) at Hilton Hotel in Denver (2-6 participants). “No Dancing at the Hilton,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 1; “Denver Hilton Apologizes to Gay,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 12. [B] [B]
12-13 May 1972: Gay Male Liberation protests at the Massachusetts Psychological Association. Primary sources: “GML Zaps Witchdoctors,” Fag Rag, Summer 1972, 5. [S] [S]
21 May 1972: GAA-Columbus Gay Pride Week rally at state capitol building (150 participants). Primary sources: David Treadwell, “Statehouse Rally Caps All-Ohio Gay Conference,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 6; “In-fighting, Boycotts Mar Pride Week Planning,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 1, 13, 22; “Mattachine’s New President in Ohio March,” Mattachine Times, June 1972, 14. [N] [P]
23 May 1972: LGBT protest at lecture by Dr. Warren Gadpaille at the University of Minnesota (20 participants). Primary sources: “Angry Gay Libber Hurls Water at Shrink,” GAY, 10 July 1972, 3. [S] [U]
4-10 June 1972: Gay Pride Week demonstration against Miami Beach female impersonation law. Primary sources: “Transvestites Win Suit,” Boston Globe, 23 June 1972, 2; “Gay Pride in Miami: Dancing, Demonstrating,” The Advocate, 5 July 1972, 3; “Drag Arrests in Miami ‘Set Up,’ Says Gay Leader,” The Advocate, 5 July 1972, 33; “Court Voids Miami Beach Drag Bans,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 4; John P. LeRoy, “Who’s A Lady in Miami?” GAY, 24 July 1972, 10; “Victory for Gays in Florida,” Gay Scene, July 1972, 22; Lee G. Brewster, “To Cross-Dressers Everywhere,” Drag (2.7), c. July 1972. [N] [N] [N] [N] [N] [N] [N] [P] [P] [P] [P] [P] [P] [P]
7 June 1972: GAA-NY demonstration at trial of Michael Maye (100 participants, 3 arrests). Primary sources: “3 in Gay Unit Seized at a Maye Hearing,” New York Times, 8 June 1972, 35. [N]
11 June 1972: Gay pride march in Philadelphia (2500-10,000 participants). Primary sources: “Air Force Vet Risks Job to Proclaim He’s Gay,” Philadelphia Daily News, 11 May 1972, 5; “Strange Bedfellows,” Philadelphia Daily News, 25 May 1972, 25; Larry Fields, “Coffins to Set Theme of Gay Pride March,” Philadelphia Daily News, 6 June 1972; May 1972, 25; Douglas Gile, “Homosexuals, Friends Plan Parade down Chestnut St.,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 6 June 1972, 58; Greg Lee, “The March for Gay Pride,” Drummer, 8 June 1972, 3, 4; “‘Gay’ Liberation Parade Draws Crowd of 10,000,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 12 June 1972, 5; “‘Gay Pride’ Marchers Shed Symbolic Chains in Liberation Drive,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 12 June 1972, 31; Larry Fields, “1,000 Gays Proclaim Freedom in March,” Philadelphia Daily News, 12 June 1972, 3; “Homosexuals Hold March,” New York Times, 12 June 1972, 39; “A Group of Homosexuals,” Philadelphia Tribune, 13 June 1972, 2; Greg Lee, “The Day of the Coming Out,” Drummer, 15 June 1972, 4; Jim Quinn, “Marching with Gay Pride: Don Juan in Hell,” Drummer, 15 June 1972, 12; “In-fighting, Boycotts Mar Pride Week Planning,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 1, 13, 22; letters to the editor, Drummer, 29 June 1972, 3, 5; “Words of the Week,” Jet, 29 June 1972, 32; “First Phila. Gay Pride March,” Gay Alternative, June 1972, 1; “2500 Gays March in Philly Parade,” The Advocate, 5 July 1972, 1, 7; Lige and Jack, “Philadelphia’s Gay Pride: The City of Brotherly Love,” GAY, 10 July 1972, 12; Brooke, “Women—Get It Together,” Lesbians Fight Back, July 1972, 3; Richard A. Frank, “Turnout Exceeds Expectations,” Gay Alternative, July 1972, 1, 2; B. Hill, “The Gay Pride March,” Lesbians Fight Back, Aug. 1972, 3. [P]
18 June 1972: Women’s Center Prisoners Collective and Lesbian Feminists demonstration at the Sybil Brand Institute for Women in Los Angeles (50 participants). Primary sources: Helen Koblin, “Sybil Brand Institute: The Daddy Tank,” Los Angeles Free Press, 9 June 1972, 15; “Los Angeles Women’s Jail Protest Set,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 10; “Women Hit Jail Treatment,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 14; “We Mean Business,” Lesbian Tide, July 1972, 1. [J]
21 June 1972: Gay Pride Week march to the Charles St. Jail in Boston (60 participants). Primary sources: “Boston’s Week includes March to Jail, Capitol,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 14. [J] [P]
23 June 1972: GAA-NJ demonstration at Bergen County courthouse and pride parade in Hackensack (200 participants). Primary sources: “200 Brave Heavy Rains to Parade in New Jersey,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 26; “New Jersey Activists on the Move,” GAY, 24 July 1972, 1, 10; “New Jersey,” Gay Scene, Aug. 1972, 15. [N] [P]
24 June 1972: Gay pride parades and rallies in Boston (300-350 participants), Dallas (250-300 participants), and Detroit (300 participants). Primary sources: “Dallas to Have Own Liberation Day Parade,” The Advocate, 26 Apr. 1972, 2; “Gay Parade,” Nuntius, Apr. 1972, 20; “Events,” Gay Liberator, May 1972, 3; Susan Williamson, “Building Gayday,” Gay Liberator, May 1972, 3; “Campaign Planned,” Gay Liberator, May 1972, 3; “In-fighting, Boycotts Mar Pride Week Planning,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 1, 13, 22; “Dallas Host Gay Pride Parade,” Nuntius, June 1972, 1; “Dallas First Gay Pride Parade,” Nuntius, July 1972, 1-3, 5; “Proud Gays Prance through Dallas,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 15; “Gay Pride ’72,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 1; “Boston’s Week Includes March to Jail, Capitol,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 14; “Dallas,” Gay Scene, Aug. 1972, 15; “Boston,” Gay Scene, Aug. 1972, 15; “By Women,” Sisters, Sept. 1972, 16-17; “Dallas Gay Pride Parade,” Sisters, Sept. 1972, 18-21; “Christopher Street Detroit ’72,” Gay Liberator, Sept. 1972, 10-11; “Gay Pride Week ’72,” Fag Rag, Jan. 1973, 15; “Glimpses of a Year Gone By,” Gay Liberator, Jan. 1973, 10. [P] [P] [P]
25 June 1972: Gay pride parades in Atlanta (250 participants), Chicago (1000 participants), Detroit (300-1300 participants), Los Angeles (400-5000 participants), New York (3500-10,000 participants), and San Francisco (1000-25,000 participants). Primary sources: “San Francisco Parade Slated,” The Advocate, 12 Apr. 1972, 6; “S.F. Parade All Set,” The Advocate, 26 Apr. 1972, 17; “Christopher Street West: L.A. Gets It Together Again,” The Advocate, 26 Apr. 1972, 2, 9; “Christopher Street West Preparing Parade,” GAY, 15 May 1972, 14; “Christopher Street West Parade,” SIR Insider, May 1972, 12; “Gay Pride Week,” Gay Activist, May 1972, 7; Gerald Hansen, “Happy Anniversary, Gay Pride Week!” Mattachine Times, May 1972, 8; “Chris West Creeps Up,” Berkeley Barb, 2 June 1972, 13; “‘Image’ Fight Dims L.A. Parade Outlook,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 5; “San Diego Meet Backs West Coast Parades,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 8; “N.Y. Parade Plan Draws Jersey Fire,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 5; “Chris St. West Hassles,” Berkeley Barb, 9 June 1972, 12; “Schism Splits California Parade Makers,” GAY, 12 June 1972, 1, 16; “Freedom Parade: Looks Good,” Berkeley Barb, 16 June 1972, 10; “Gay Freedom Day,” Berkeley Barb, 16 June 1972, 10; “SIR Sees Revival Ahead,” Berkeley Barb, 16 June 1972, 9; “In-fighting, Boycotts Mar Pride Week Planning,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 1, 13, 22; “L.A. Parade Permit Gets Quick Police Board Okay,” The Advocate, 21 June 1972, 24; “Gay Liberation Parade June 25,” Los Angeles Free Press, 23 June 1972, 12; “Freedom March Sunday,” Berkeley Barb, 23 June 1972, 2, 3; Nick Benton, “Gay People, What Now?” Berkeley Barb, 23 June 1972, 2, 3; Larry Liebert, “S.F.’s Lively Gay Parade,” San Francisco Chronicle, 26 June 1972, 3; James Finefrock, “A Parade by 1000 S.F. Gays,” San Francisco Examiner, 26 June 1972, 3; “Annual March by N.Y. Gays,” San Francisco Examiner, 26 June 1972, 3; Ralph Blumenthal, “March Is Staged by Homosexuals,” New York Times, 26 June 1972, 21; John Francis Hunter, “Let’s Celebrate: Gay Pride Week 1972,” GAY, 26 June 1972, 12, 13, 16; Greg Lee, “Auntie Sam Wants You,” Drummer, 29 June 1972, 4; Jill Johnston, “Hordes of Dykes and Faggots,” Village Voice, 29 June 1972, 29, 30, 38; Nick Benton, “Humor and Humanity: Gays Shine Through,” Berkeley Barb, 30 June 1972, 5; Clark Fulmer, “Marchers, Floats Ready for Gay Parade,” Vector, June 1972, 41; “Gay Pride Week,” Chicago Gay Pride, June 1972, 3; “Get It Together,” Chicago Gay Pride, June 1972, 12; “Christopher St. Rip-Off: S.F.,” Gay Sunshine, June 1972, 2; “S.F. Parade May Be the Most Spectacular,” The Advocate, 5 July 1972, 2; Milton Lounsberry, “Remember the Stonewall? A Dark and Shuttered Shrine,” The Advocate, 5 July 1972, 2; “Reverend Attacks Lesbians,” Los Angeles Free Press, 7 July 1972, 20; “Emmaus House Sues Chris West,” Berkeley Barb, 14 July 1972, 11; “San Francisco,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 3, 30; “Smaller L.A. Parade Has Its Problems with ‘Jesus Freaks,’” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 5, 26; “‘Fruitcart’ Promotes Cause in Detroit Pride March,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 33; “A First for Famed Peachtree St.,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 12; “Chicago Parade Draws Wide Support,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 19; Randy Wicker, “Thousands Parade Under Sunny Skies in Damp New York,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 2; Gerald Hansen, “San Francisco Hosts Gay Parade,” GAY, 24 July 1972, 1, 3, 14; “They Would Have Marched Anyway,” GAY, 24 July 1972, 1; “Remember the Stonewall,” GAY, 24 July 1972, 4-5; Gay Sunshine Collective, “C.S.W. Fracas (Round 1),” Gay Sunshine, c. July 1972, 1; Jeanne Cordova, “Christopher Street,” Lesbian Tide, July 1972, 3-4, 12-14; “Gay Pride Week Parade,” Mattachine Times, July 1972, 10; “Queens with Balls,” Drag (2.8), c. July 1972, 7-10; Sara Thompson, “Gay Pride Week Celebration,” Lavender Woman, July 1972, 9; Gay Sunshine Collective, “News Release – San Francisco,” Lesbian Tide, July 1972, 9; Ron Bossamer, “The Big Parade,” Vector, Aug. 1972, 33, 34; “Detroit,” Gay Scene, Aug. 1972, 15; “Gay Pride Week,” Mattachine Midwest Newsletter, 4 Aug. 1972, 1, 12; “C.S.W. Fracas (Round 2), Gay Sunshine, c. Aug. 1972, 2; Ron Bossamer, “The Big Parade,” Vector, Aug. 1972, 33, 34; “Gay Pride,” Echo of Sappho, Aug. 1972, 14; Beth Elliott, “Brotherly Concern,” Lesbian Tide, Sept. 1972, 12; “Gay Pride Week ’72,” Fag Rag, Jan. 1973, 15. [P] [P] [P] [P] [P] [P]
27 June 1972: Gay Pride Week demonstrations at Civic Center and Board of Education in Chicago. Primary sources: “Gay Pride Week,” Chicago Gay Pride, June 1972, 3; “Get It Together,” Chicago Gay Pride, June 1972, 12; “Chicago Parade Draws Wide Support,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 19. [N] [U] [P]
28 June 1972: Gay Pride Week vigil at Cook County Jail in Chicago. Primary sources: ; “Gay Pride Week,” Chicago Gay Pride, June 1972, 3; “Get It Together,” Chicago Gay Pride, June 1972, 12. [J] [P]
10-12 July 1972: LGBT demonstrations at Democratic Party National Convention in Miami Beach (300 participants). Primary sources: “A New Gay Rights Platform,” Mattachine Times, Feb. 1972, 1, 9; Morty Manford, “Gay America Plans for ’72 Election,” GAY, 6 Mar. 1972, 1, 16; Guy Charles, “A New National Gay Rights Platform,” The Advocate, 15 Mar. 1972, 1, 34; Guy Charles, “Miami Gays Preparing for Convention Influx,” The Advocate, 12 Apr. 1972, 12; “Peace, Miami Cops Tell Gays,” The Advocate, 12 Apr. 1972, 12; “Political Huddle Set for Washington,” The Advocate, 26 Apr. 1972, 3; “Caravan to Miami Proposed,” The Advocate, 7 June 1972, 8; Perrin Shaffer, “Groups Plan Convention Strategy,” GAY, 12 June 1972, 3; Steven R. Weisman, “5 Gay Candidates Are in State Contests,” New York Times, 16 June 1972, 24; “Gays Confront Dems,” Fag Rag, Summer 1972, 5; “Bus Caravan Organized to Demo Convention,” The Advocate, 5 July 1972, 20, 33; “Lots of Problems Face Miami Planners,” The Advocate, 5 July 1972, 20, 31; “Drag Arrests in Miami ‘Set Up,’ Says Gay Leader,” The Advocate, 5 July 1972, 33; Guy Charles, “Democratic Convention Debate Due,” The Advocate, 19 July 1972, 1, 31; “‘Gay Rage’ Call Slated if Demos Reject Plank,” The Advocate, 26 July 1972, 31; “By God, Gay Is Good,” Mattachine Times, July 1972, 9; “First National Gay Action,” Nuntius, July 1972, 7; “We Were There!” The Advocate, 2 Aug. 1972, 1, 2; David L. Aiken, “Bus Caravan Fails, but Gays Turn Heads in Miami, Anyway,” The Advocate, 2 Aug. 1972, 2; “Fast Fells Gay Demonstrator,” The Advocate, 2 Aug. 1972, 3; “Miami Confab Agrees Strong NCGO Needed,” The Advocate, 2 Aug. 1972, 10; “Opposite Speaker Says Children, Women Threatened,” The Advocate, 2 Aug. 1972, 2; “Democratic Convention Airs Gay Lib Proposals,” GAY, 7 Aug. 1972, 1, 10; “Who Was Watching?” The Advocate, 16 Aug. 1972, 2; Barbara Love, “Sisters and Brothers: One Mind, One Heart,” The Advocate, 16 Aug. 1972, 2; Dan Allen, “Miami Beach Diary,” The Advocate, 16 Aug. 1972, 4, 5, 16; “Queens Cry Gay Sellout,” The Advocate, 30 Aug. 1972, 2; “Gays at Democratic Convention in Miami Beach, Fla.,” Nuntius, Aug. 1972, 5; Angela Keyes Douglas, “Report from Miami,” Sisters, Sept. 1972, 11-12; “Miami Convention,” Fag Rag, Jan. 1973, 15. [E] [E] [E]
23-25 July 1972: Lesbian participation in antiwar rally at UCLA. Primary sources: Jeanne Cordova, “Gay Out-Front at Anti-War Convention,” Lesbian Tide, Sept. 1972, 2-3, 12. [I] [I] [I] [U] [U] [U]
30 July 1972: LGBT demonstration at the Sybil Brand Institute in Los Angeles. Primary sources: “We Mean Business,” Lesbian Tide, July 1972, 1. [J]
15 August 1972: Gay Raiders zap of WPVI-TV news program in Philadelphia (6 participants). Primary sources: Joe O’Dowd, “Gay Lib Gets the Bum’s Rush on Action News,” Philadelphia Daily News, 16 Aug. 1972, 3; John J. Gaffney, “3 ‘Gay Liberationists’ Disrupt WPVI Newscast,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 16 Aug. 1972, 31; “‘Action News Team’ Survives Gay Liberationist Invasion,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 17 Aug. 1972, 34; Tom Fox, “Prince Valiant After the Raid,” Philadelphia Daily News, 17 Aug. 1972, 4; Jim Quinn, “The Storming of WPVI,” Drummer, 24 Aug. 1972, 1, 2, 3; Greg Lee, “Meet Larry Kane’s Best Friend!” Drummer, 24 Aug. 1972, 4; letter to the editor, Philadelphia Daily News, 24 Aug. 1972, 25; Greg Lee, “Remember Tom Fox, Gay Is Delicious,” Philadelphia Daily News, 7 Sept. 1972, 28; “Dancing the Gay Lib Blues…on the Air,” The Advocate, 13 Sept. 1972, 14; Al Haas, “‘Gay’ Raid Leader Insists ‘Straights’ Are the Sick Ones,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 16 Dec. 1972, 13; Al Haas, “’73 Resolution: Denenberg to Haunt Doctors,” Philadlephia Inquirer, 1 Jan. 1973, B1; “Controversy Surrounds Philadelphia Activist,” GAY, 29 Jan. 1973, 18; Larry McMullen, “Super Faggot,” Philadelphia Daily News, 13 Feb. 1973, 4; Larry Fields, “Rizzo Goes to White House,” Philadelphia Daily News, 17 Apr. 1973, 33; Randy Wicker, “The Wicker Report,” GAY, 18 June 1973, 4. [M]
17 August 1972: GAA-Philadelphia demonstration against antigay discrimination at WPVI (50 participants). Primary sources: Charles Smith, “Police Block Gay Activists at Door of WPVI Studio,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 18 Aug. 1972. [M]
18-23 August 1972: LGBT demonstrations at Republican Party National Convention in Miami (200 participants, 20 arrests). Primary sources: Randy Wicker, “GOP Platform Body Allots Time to Hear Gay Plea: 15 Minutes,” The Advocate, 30 Aug. 1972, 3; “GOP Platform Panel: In One Ear…,” The Advocate, 13 Sept. 1972, 3; Guy Charles, “At Least 20 Gays Arrested in Protests at GOP Conclave,” The Advocate, 13 Sept. 1972, 3; Dan Allen, “Miami Beach Diary,” The Advocate, 27 Sept. 1972, 11; Morty Manford, “Republicans Avoid Gay Issue: Ridicule Democrats for Involvement,” GAY, 2 Oct. 1972, 3, 10, 18; Dan Allen, “Miami Beach Diary,” The Advocate, 11 Oct. 1972, 16, 17. [E] [E] [E] [E] [E] [E]
21 August 1972: GAA-NY sit-in at McGovern campaign headquarters (30 participants, 6 arrests). Primary sources: Frederic Morton, “With George McGovern on the Morning After,” Village Voice, 29 June 1972, 1, 24; Angela Keyes Douglas, “Gay Rage Directed at McGovern,” Los Angeles Free Press, 21 July 1972, 13; “We Send Telegrams and Letters,” Mattachine Times, July 1972, 11; Guy Charles, “M’Govern Gays Badly Shaken Up,” The Advocate, 2 Aug. 1972, 3; “Protest Sent to McGovern,” The Advocate, 2 Aug. 1972, 3; “Angry Gay Leaders Lie Down in McGovern Hotel Entrance,” The Advocate, 2 Aug. 1972, 3, 10; “N.Y. Delegates Slam Wilch,” The Advocate, 2 Aug. 1972, 3; “Fast Fells Gay Demonstrator,” The Advocate, 2 Aug. 1972, 3; Rob Cole, “He Loves Us Not…,” The Advocate, 16 Aug. 1972, 1, 13; “GAA/NY Holds Fire, Challenges McGovern,” The Advocate, 16 Aug. 1972, 2; Sasha Gregory, “Keep Pressure on McGovern, Foster Urges,” The Advocate, 16 Aug. 1972, 2; “Gay Activists in Protest Occupy McGovern Office,” New York Times, 22 Aug. 1972, 37; “McGovern Offices Held in Protest by Gay Unit,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 22 Aug. 1972; Arthur Bell, “Still a Political Embarrassment,” Village Voice, 24 Aug. 1972, 26; Guy Charles and Rob Cole, “Whither McGovern?” The Advocate, 30 Aug. 1972, 1, 15; “Activists Suspend McGovern Support,” GAY, 4 Sept. 1972, 3; “GAA Occupies N.Y. McGovern Office for 5 Hours,” The Advocate, 13 Sept. 1972, 2; Arthur Evans, “McGovern or Not: Is That Really the Question?” The Advocate, 13 Sept. 1972, 29; letters to the editor, The Advocate, 13 Sept. 1972, 29; John LeRoy, “Activists Invade McGovern Hqtrs.,” GAY, 18 Sept. 1972, 1, 13; Beth Elliot, “The Miami Sell-Out,” Lesbian Tide, Sept. 1972, 5; “Gays Arrested at McGovern HQ,” Mattachine Times, Sept. 1972, 8-9; “Philly Gays Fail in Effort to See McG.,” The Advocate, 11 Oct. 1972, 20; “Trial of GAA Protesters Stalled,” The Advocate, 11 Oct. 1972, 20; Bruce Voeller, “Top McGovern Aide Affirms Gay Rights Stand,” GAY, 16 Oct. 1972, 1, 6; “McGovern Gets His,” Gay Liberator, Oct. 1972, 4; Rob Cole, “McGovern Denial,” The Advocate, 8 Nov. 1972, 1, 10; “Court Dismisses Six from McGovern Sit-In,” The Advocate, 8 Nov. 1972, 4; “McGovern Denies Gay Rights Statement,” Lesbian Tide, Nov. 1972, 6. [E]
23-25 August 1972: LGBT demonstrations against Vice President Spiro Agnew and presidential candidate George McGovern at Veterans of Foreign Wars national convention in Minneapolis (12 participants). Primary sources: “Agnew, McGovern Hit in Minneapolis,” The Advocate, 11 Oct. 1972, 20. [E] [E] [E]
25 August 1972: Dyke Separatists, GAA Lesbians, and other feminist groups march and rally for women’s rights in New York (2000 participants). Primary sources: “Sisterhood Marches,” Gay Liberator, Oct. 1972, 4. [X]
26 August 1972: RL-Philadelphia and other feminist groups march and rally for Women’s Strike Day (100-400 participants). Primary sources: Lillian Williams, “300 March for ‘Power to the Sisters,’” Philadelphia Inquirer, 27 Aug. 1972, B1; Marci Shatzman, “Woman Asks Equal Pay, Legal Rights,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 27 Aug. 1972, 28; “Strike! March! Rally!” Lesbians Fight Back, Aug. 1972, 1; “Phila Women March on Strike Day,” Lesbians Fight Back, Sept. 1972, 4; Linda Byron, “Power to the Sisters,” Lesbians Fight Back, Sept. 1972, 5; Judy, “Racism: A Feminist Analysis,” Lesbians Fight Back, Sept. 1972, 5-6; “Got Them Job Discrimination Blues?” Lesbians Fight Back, Sept. 1972, 8; Marilyn Buggey, “As Women, As Workers,” Lesbians Fight Back, Sept. 1972, 6-7. [X]
7 September 1972: GAA-NY demonstration against police harassment at Sixth Precinct. Primary sources: Randy Wicker, “N.Y. Gays, Police Air Differences,” The Advocate, 22 Nov. 1972, 2, 14. [O]
13 September 1972: GAA-Philadelphia protest at McGovern rally. Primary sources: “Philly Gays Fail in Effort to See McG.,” The Advocate, 11 Oct. 1972, 20. [E]
16 September 1972: Demonstration against exploitation and anti-trans discrimination at the Flame bar in Ann Arbor (60 participants). Primary sources: “A2 Demonstration,” Gay Liberator, Oct. 1972, 1. [B] [Q]
25-26 September 1972: GAA-NY demonstration and sit-in to protest anti-LGBT discrimination at Taxi Commission (20-50 participants). Primary sources: Randy Wicker, “N.Y. Zap Ends Mental Exams for Gay Cabbies,” The Advocate, 25 Oct. 1972, 1, 16; Vicki Richman, “Activists Zap Taxi Commissioner,” GAY, 30 Oct. 1972, 7, 10; Alan Clay, “Clay’s Clearing House,” GAY, 13 Nov. 1972, 12; “Your Cabbie May Be Gay,” Gay Liberator, Nov. 1972, 12; “GAA Get Cabby’s License,” Gay Scene, Nov. 1972, 15; “Vector News Briefs,” Vector, Nov. 1972, 16; Mike McPherson, “Taxi Commission Oppresses Gays,” Gay Activist, Feb. 1973, 1; Randy Wicker, “Psychiatric Exam Dropped for Tax Driver,” GAY, 9 Apr. 1973, 18. [B] [B]
4 October 1972: Gay Raiders zap of vice presidential candidate Sargent Shriver at Temple University in Philadelphia (2 participants). Primary sources: letter to the editor, Temple News, 10 Oct. 1972, 4; Greg Lee, Reflects on Super Sunday,” Drummer, 12 Oct. 1972, 4; “And Now A Word from Sargent Shriver,” The Advocate, 25 Oct. 1972, 1; “Controversy Surrounds Philadelphia Activist,” GAY, 29 Jan. 1973, 18; Larry McMullen, “Super Faggot,” Philadelphia Daily News, 13 Feb. 1973, 4; Randy Wicker, “The Wicker Report,” GAY, 18 June 1973, 4. [E] [U]
8 October 1972: GAA-NY demonstration at annual convention of the Association for the Advancement of Behavioral Therapy at the Hilton Hotel (100 participants). Primary sources: “Therapy Scored by Homosexuals,” New York Times, 9 Oct. 1972, 32; “GAA Descends on Psychiatric Meet in Gotham,” The Advocate, 8 Nov. 1972, 8. [B] [S]
20 October 1972: GAA-Philadelphia protest at Nixon campaign headquarters (11-15 participants). Primary sources: Judy Gring, “Girlfriends,” Temple News, 16 Oct. 1972, 3, 5; Joe O’Dowd, “Cops Straight Out 3 Gay Alliance Guys,” Philadelphia Daily News, 21 Oct. 1972, 4; Laura Murray, “Gay Activists Stage Protest inside Nixon Headquarters,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, 21 Oct. 1972, 22; Elizabeth Duff, “Gays Chain Selves to Door,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 21 Oct. 1972, 12; Richard Rusinow, “Philadelphia GAA Zaps Nixon Office,” The Advocate, 8 Nov. 1972, 3; “Target Was Nixon: He’s Angry,” The Advocate, 22 Nov. 1972, 3. [E]
28 October 1972: Gay rights march and rally at State Capitol in Lansing, Michigan (50 participants). Primary sources: “March and Rally,” Gay Liberator, Oct. 1972, 1; “Capital March,” Gay Liberator, Nov. 1972, 1; “Glimpses of a Year Gone By,” Gay Liberator, Jan. 1973, 11. [N]
1 November 1972: Gay Raiders zap at Nixon fundraiser at Philadelphia Civic Center Convention Hall (1 participant). Primary sources: “Not-So-Gay Bounce,” Philadelphia Daily News, 2 Nov. 1972, 1; Don Haskin, “Gay Raider Spices GOP Dinner,” Philadelphia Daily News, 2 Nov. 1972, 3; Dan Lynch, “‘Gay Raider’ Upsets GOP Fund Dinner,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 2 Nov. 1972, 35; “Target Was Nixon: He’s Angry,” The Advocate, 22 Nov. 1972, 3; “Nixon Zap ‘Inside Job,’” The Advocate, 6 Dec. 1972, 2; “Controversy Surrounds Philadelphia Activist,” GAY, 29 Jan. 1973, 18; Larry McMullen, “Super Faggot,” Philadelphia Daily News, 13 Feb. 1973, 4. [E]
4 November 1972: Gay Community Alliance march against police harassment in Hollywood (110 participants). Primary sources: Randy Wicker, “Police Target of Protesters on 2 Coasts,” The Advocate, 6 Dec. 1972, 1, 14. [O]
8 November 1972: Lesbian Liberation Committee and GAA-NY dance-ins at Bandy’s, Salty Dog, and Barney Google’s (20 participants). Primary sources: “Women Lead 3 Bar Zaps in New York,” The Advocate, 6 Dec. 1972, 3, 17; “Singles Bars Targets for ‘Liberators,’” GAY, 12 Dec. 1972, 1, 6. [B]
11 November 1972: GAA-NY, Mattachine Society of New York, and Gay Alliance of Brooklyn demonstration at police headquarters (100 participants). Primary sources: Edward Hudson, “Protest Staged by Homosexuals,” New York Times, 12 Nov. 1972, 48; Randy Wicker, “Police Target of Protesters on 2 Coasts,” Advocate, 6 Dec. 1972, 1, 14; “N.Y. Activists Protest Police Harassment,” GAY, 11 Dec. 1972, 20, 23. [O]
2 December 1972: Gay Liberation/Arizona Desert demonstration against anti-trans discrimination at Stonewall Bar in Tucson (35 participants). Primary sources: “Tucson Pickets Hit Bar’s Dress Policies,” The Advocate, 3 Jan. 1973, 17. [B] [Q]
7 December 1972: GAA-NY zap at 162 Spring Street Bar (125 participants). Primary sources: “Gays Zap Bar Where Lesbian Was Arrested,” The Advocate, 3 Jan. 1973, 10. [B]
14 and 16 December 1972: GAA-NY zaps at home of NY City Council member Saul Sharison (100 and 300 participants). Primary sources: “N.Y. GAA Steps Up Efforts for Intro 475,” The Advocate, 17 Jan. 1973, 2, 18: “Reluctant N.Y. Councilman Again Target of Gays Seeking Action on Intro 475,” The Advocate, 17 Jan. 1973, 18. [E] [E]
December 1972: Demonstration against breach of contract for rental of Newman Hall by Regional Conference of Gay Organizations at Catholic cathedral in Sacramento. Primary sources: Freda Smith, “Gays Picket Catholic Church,” Lesbian Tide, Dec. 1972, 9, 10, 14. [R]