"The 'counter jumper' Let-out!" Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"Hi Kid: what a place. Full of “Queers” women + some dressed like men. They were fairies + made no bones about it. About 10 of us were here. Dates of course, you couldn’t go alone – Had a gay time later went to another bar on Broadway. No place…
"Tony Pastor's Downtown --Greenwich Village 130 W. 3rd St., New York City." [Front.] Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"Om Jag Vore Man." Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"Clerk: Well, you cute little mama's hope, I'll bet that you use fairy soap." Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"A Counter-Part" Published 1910; postmarked July 29, 1911. Identification on back "S 116." Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"Is it true you fellows always get your man?" Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"'Mollycoddle' Male Person who Marselles His Hair. - Note absence of Suspenders. Considered Vulgar by Mollycoddles." Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"'Mollycoddle' Male Person who Despises All Athletic Games, but Ping Pong, Tiddel-de-Winks, and Casino." Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"'Mollycoddle' Who Eats a Big Fat Ice Cream Soda as if He Enjoys It." Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"Such A Merry Little Chap. Ho! little giggler, aren't you sweet? Nicest little sissy-boy one could meet! I wonder if a man you'll ever, ever be - You're far from it now, as any one may see." Postcard from Marshall Weeks…
"Taking it on the Chin. First Pansy: 'Listen dearie - you'd better stop dashing before we come to blows.' Second Pansy: 'If we do, Mary - I'll do the blowing.'" Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"This should settle the argument once and for all, Albert!" Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"Have him searched, Sergeant. Call the Matron." Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"Yes Miss, most of the flowers 'ave done well this year, but I've 'ad a lot of trouble with the Pansies!" Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"I tell you it doesn't look at all like a pansy." Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"I Hate to See A Woman Do A Man's Work!" Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"Girls Are Doing All the Men's Work Now." Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"Girls Are Doing All The Fellows' Jobs Now!" Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.
"This is Another Job the Men Will Want Back When They Come Home." Postcard from Marshall Weeks collection.