Letter 28: Millet to Stoddard: June 18, 1887

On Russell Place stationery]

18 June

Dear Charlie: --

Dear Lordy! I didn’t know you were over here! So much the better. Let me know when you are to be in London and we will arrange for you to come here if you can spare the time. Lily will be delighted to have you & I am sure you will like the country.

I may add in passant that there is a monastery [page 2] here where they have services at all hours from 2 a.m. and you will undoubtedly make friends with the fathers & the boys.

Love from the family.

Yours always

Frank M.

P. S. Le us know as long beforehand as you can, please, for we are to be in Paris. Perhaps we may meet there. Send your Paris address.