Southern Miss Documents: 1955-1965

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October 17-November 21, 1955, pages 164-202, Journals of William D. McCain

January 22-February 3, 1956, pages 27-51, Journals of William D. McCain

No Journal entries were found regarding the subjects and administrators requested

March 28-June 30, 1958, pages 130-330, Journals of William D. McCain. 

July 2-September 3, 1958, pages 2-123, Journals of William D. McCain. 

July 9, 1958, letter to Dean Switzer regarding the subject and other disciplinary matters, William D. McCain Papers

July 29, 1958, list of people with some notations, likely regardint the subject and other disciplinary matters, William D. McCain Papers.

August 6, 1958, letter to Loper regarding that "for the best interests of the institutions" he is "denied further admission... following the summer session of 1958", William D. McCain Papers.

August 12, 1958, list of people "denied further admission" with some notations, likely regarding the subject and other disciplinary matters, Dean of Student Welfare file.

February 17-April 20, 1959, pages 110-262, Journals of William D. McCain.

September 23-December 21, 1959, pages 174-518, Journals of William D. McCain. 

March 31-April 8 and Nov 7-8, 1960, pages 201-313, Journals of William D. McCain.

November 10, 1960, one page, Dean of Women file

January 31-March 11, 1961, pages 74-165, Journals of William D. McCain. 

January 11, 1961 and May 27-28, 1962, pages 13 and 428-429, Journals of William D. McCain. 

May 29, 1962, one page, William D. McCain Papers.

February 8 and September 17, 1963, pages 113 and 420, Journals of William D. McCain. 

March 26, 1963, two pages, Letter "H" file.

No Journal entries were found regarding the subjects and administrators requested for 1964.

January 7-February 5, 1965, pages 36 and 293, Journals of William D. McCain.